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contoh kalimat korps marinir

"korps marinir" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I was a master sergeant in the Marine Corps.
    Aku pensiunan sersan mayor di Korps Marinir.
  • The Marine corps don't, and this fucking country don't
    Korps Marinir tidak, negara sialanmu juga tidak.
  • Are you a member of the U.S. Marine Corps?
    Apakah Anda seorang anggota Korps Marinir AS?
  • It seems marriage and the Marine Corps weren't too compatible.
    Sepertinya pernikahan dan Korps Marinir tidak cocok.
  • The Marine Corps doesn't have medical personnel.
    Korps Marinir doesn apos; t memiliki tenaga medis.
  • This is why I fucking love the Marine Corps.
    Inilah sebabnya aku cinta Korps Marinir.
  • I personally recruited flynn from the marine corps.
    Saya pribadi direkrut flynn dari korps marinir.
  • "What the Marine Corps has done to me?
    "Apa yang Korps Marinir lakukan padaku"
  • This is the new, modern, mechanized Marine Corps.
    Ini Korps Marinir modern dan baru.
  • Captain Steven Hiller, United States Marine Corps.
    Kapten Steven Hiller, Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat.
  • His stated goal for joining the Marine Corps?
    Tujuan lain-Nya untuk bergabung Korps Marinir?
  • It's the best fucking jobNin the Marine Corps.
    Itu pekerjaan terbaik di Korps Marinir.
  • They teach you that in the Marine Corps, don't they--
    Mereka mengajari itu padamu di Korps Marinir, tidak--
  • The Marine Corps Birthday Ball will be this Saturday evening.
    Dirgahayu Korps Marinir akan diadakan Sabtu malam ini.
  • So I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.
    Jadi aku mendaftarkan diri di Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat.
  • Lab rats with the highest kill-ratio in the Marine Corps.
    Tikus percobaan dengan rasio pembunuhan tertinggi di korps marinir.
  • Captain Steven Hiller, US Marine Corps.
    Kapten Steven Hiller, Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat.
  • This is a United States Marine Corps vehicle.
    Ini kendaraan Korps Marinir A.S.
  • That does away with the Marine Corps.
    Selain itu juga membawahi Korps Marinir.
  • This is the new Marine Corps.
    Ini adalah Korps Marinir yang baru.
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